Prayer & Bible Center

5. "Live to the hilt any situation you believe to be the will of God." - Jim Elliot

4. "Lord, never permit me to enter the ministry until non-apparent success will not cause discouragement; or apparent success cause inflation and pride." - J.D. Drysdale

3. "It does not matter how great the pressure is, it only matters where the pressure lies--whether it comes between you and God, or whether it presses you closer to His heart." - J. Hudson Taylor

2. “Jesus, I am resting, resting In the joy of what Thou art; I am finding out the greatness Of Thy loving heart." - Jean S. Pigott

1. It occurred to me that instead of giving a specific way to pray about a need I should just explain the situation and let God’s Spirit direct you in prayer. So, let's give it a try. Thanks for praying.

- Rope Holder Quotes -

150. "No prayer is lost. Praying breath was never spent in vain. There is not such thing as prayer unanswered or unnoticed by God, and some things that we count as refusals or denials are simply delays." -H. Bonar

149. "Oh, that we might always catch the vision of an abundant harvest, when the great Master Plowman comes, as He often does, and furrows through our very souls, uprooting and turning under that which we thought most fair, and leaving for our tortured gaze only the bare and unbeautiful." - Streams in the Desert

148. "I am reminded that one old saint was asked, 'Which is more important: reading God's Word or praying?' To which he replied, 'Which is more important to a bird: the right wing or the left?'" - A.W. Tozer

147. “Go stand by the gates of hell, and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father's house and bid their brothers and sisters and servants and masters not to come there. Then look Christ in the face ... and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in the march to publish His mercy to the world.” - William Booth

146. "I can't say I'm willing, Lord, but I'm willing to be made willing." - F.B. Meyer

145. "In time of problems and perplexities for which there seems to be no answer or any source of help, our natural temptation is to want to know how prayer can be answered. That is a subtle way of wanting to walk by sight, and not by faith. On the contrary, if the difficulty and distress cause us to draw closer to the God of all grace and comfort, we shall come to know Him better, and leave to Him the matter of answering prayer in His own way...Thus it is always - not how but who." - Raymond Edman

144. "The Bible is adequate to guide our steps aright, even though often the path before us be obscure or even uncharted." - V. Raymond Edman

143. “To have found God and still to pursue Him is the soul's paradox of love, scorned indeed by the too easily satisfied religionist, but justified in happy experience by the children of the burning heart.” - A.W. Tozer

142. “In what ways do you expect the cross to be presented to you?” - Elizabeth Elliot

141. "The evil habit of seeking God-and effectively prevents us from finding God in full revelation. In the and lies our great woe." - A.W. Tozer

140. “I have made this one test of my prayers: if after committing anything to God, I can, like Hannah, come away and have my mind no more sad, my heart no more pained or anxious, I look upon it as on proof that I have prayed in faith; but, if I bring away my burden, I conclude that faith was not in exercise.” - Edward Payson

139. “I wonder if blessings come soonest to those who rejoice most without them…If we are thinking of the gift more than the Giver, the blessing will probably be delayed – for at that juncture we need the Blesser more than the blessing.” - Mrs. Judson A. Elliott

138. “[Risk] is not the impulse of heroism, or the lust for adventure, or the courage of self-reliance, or the need to earn God's favor. It is simple trust in Christ - that in him God will do everything necessary so that we can enjoy making much of him forever...Therefore, it is right to risk for the cause of Christ." - John Piper

137. “Most religious people live in a sort of treadmill life, where they can calculate almost everything that will happen, but the souls that God leads out into immediate and special dealings, He shuts in where all they know is that God has hold of them, and is dealing with them, and their expectation is from Him alone." - From Soul Food

136. “The the battlefield of the Church; its citadel; the scene of heroic and unearthly conflict. The closet is the base of supplies for the Christian and the Church." - E.M. Bounds

135. “God's will is that the cross always be magnified - that Christ crucified always be our boast and exultation and joy and praise - that Christ get glory and thanks and honor for every good thing in our lives and every bad thing that God turns for good." - John Piper

134. “I will open a way to the interior or perish.” - David Livingston
“I feel as if I could not live if something is not done for China.” - Hudson Taylor
“Give me Scotland or I die.” - John Knox

133. “We are doing more good than we know, sowing seed, starting streamlets, giving men true thoughts of Christ, to which they will refer one day as the first things that started them thinking of Him..." - George Matheson

132. “'The gardener ceases to prune, to trim, to harrow, or to pluck the ripe fruit only when he expects nothing more from the vine during the season...Do you then wish me to cease pruning your life? Shall I leave you alone?' And the comforted heart cried, 'No!'" - Homera Homer-Dixon

131. “The man who has only God to look to can do all things and never fail." - Ethiopian Proverb

130. “There is not need of, nor room for, any other attraction than that which Christ Himself gave when He said; ‘I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.’” - Hudson Taylor

129. “We were dwelling formerly in a dark house, among centipedes and lizards, spiders and rats; nor did we know what evil and despicable things were around us. The lamp of light, the Word of God, has been brought, and now we behold with dismay and disgust these abominable things. But stop. Some are killing each other this very day while we are rejoicing; some are destroying their children while we are saving ours; some are burning themselves in the fire while we are bathing in the cool waters of the gospel.” - Polynesian chief of Taha’a

128. "It is a question of being united with Jesus in His death until nothing ever appeals to you that did not appeal to Him..." - Oswald Chambers

127. "My child, I have a message for you today: let me whisper it in your ear...and smooth the rough places which you may have to tread. It is short, only five words, but let them sink into your inmost soul...This thing is from ME." - Laura A. Barter Snow

126. "We will only advance in our evangelistic work as fast and as far as we advance on our knees. Prayer opens the channel between a soul and God; prayerlessness closes it. Prayer releases the grip of Satan’s power; prayerlessness increases it. That is why prayer is so exhausting and so vital. If we believed it, the prayer meeting would be as full as the church.” - Alan Redpath

125. "This is the Blessed Life - not anxious to see far in front, nor careful about the next step, not eager to choose the path, nor weighted with the heavy responsibilities of the future, but quietly following behind the Shepherd, one step at a time. - J. Danson Smith

124. "(God) does not remove obstacles out of our way before we reach them. Yet when we are on the edge of our need, God's hand is stretched out." - J.R.M.

123. "Abram's decision to obey God cost him his very way of life - which might be the possession we hold onto most dearly. The best of us may give God our time, our effort, and our money, but rarely are we willing to relinquish our comfort. To show the faith of our fathers, we should be ready to surrender out lives. Ask God to weaken your attachment to your lifestyle and free you to enjoy the blessing of His will." - Today In The World

122. "Prayer is the never-failing resort of the Christian in any case, in every plight….Your powder may be damp, your bow string maybe relaxed, but the weapon of all-prayer need never be out of order…. Sword and spear need furbishing, but prayer never rusts, and when we think it most blunt it cuts the best." - C.H. Spurgeon

121. “We must never forget three important statements: There is a God. He has spoken to us in the Bible. He means what He says.” - Hudson Taylor

120. “The battle we face is a spiritual conflict. It must be fought and won by men and women of God who are willing to intercede for missionary families as they invade enemy territory held uncontested for centuries. Satan does not meekly give up his prey. He counterattacks fiercely in many unexpected ways. The missionary must have intercessors who stand alongside, praying on a regular and systematic basis.” - David Wang

119. “There is a fundamental difference between fruit and work. Work is the outcome of effort; fruit the life. A bad man may do good work, but a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.” - Hudson Taylor

118. We need to repent, confess, and forsake sin, renounce the world, make Jesus Lord, and be filled with the Spirit. When we do, no longer will the pagans sneer, 'Where is your God?'" - Vance Havner

117. "The whole idea of the prayers of the saints is that God's holiness, God's purpose, God's ways may be brought about irrespective of who comes or goes." – Oswald Chambers

116. “I desire not much; I pray against it.” - John Elliot

115. "It is wonderful what God can do with a broken heart, if He gets all the pieces." – Samuel Chadwick

114. “O Holy Spirit, As the sun is full of light, the ocean full of water, Heaven full of glory, so my heart be full of Thee....Give me Thyself without measure, as an unimpaired fountain, as inexhaustible riches. I bewail my coldness...prayerless prayers, praiseless praises. Suffer me not to grieve or resist Thee...Magnify to me Thy glory by being magnified in me, and make me redolent of Thy fragrance." - A Puritan Prayer

113. “We - or at least I - shall not be able to adore God on the highest occasions if we have learned no habit of doing so on the lowest." - C.S. Lewis

112. “Lord….Let me not be too concerned with the bothersome thing I call ‘myself ’.” - Thomas More

111. “Jesus, be the centre...Be my source, be my light...Be my hope, be my song...Be the fire in my heart...Be the wind in these sails...Be the reason that I live...Jesus, be my vision...Be my path, be my guide..." - Michael Frye

110. “HE has never failed me yet, do you think He ever will?" - O.W. Harer

109. “Self-reliance is God-defiance.” - Geoffrey Bull

108. "It is true that Bible prayers in word and print are short, but the praying men of the Bible were with God through many a sweet and holy wrestling hour. They won by few words but long waiting." - E. M. Bounds

107. “Let us not feel ashamed of the humiliating experiences, but rather glory in them…. ‘Teach me to value and welcome all that Thou dost send me to humble me and to teach me dependence upon Thyself’.” - Helena Garratt

106. “Shall we stand by and allow these millions to continue under the curse and snare of a false religion, with no knowledge of the saving love and power of Christ? Of course it will cost life. It is not an expedition of ease nor a picnic excursion to which we are called....It is going to cost many a life, and not lives only, but prayers and tears and blood." - Samuel Zwemer

105. “The man who does not habitually worship is but a pair of spectacles behind which there is no eye.” - Thomas Carlyle

104. "In everything, the smallest and apparently clearest, consult God.” - Joseph Parker

103. "For me, Lord Jesus, Thou hast died,
And I have died in Thee:
Thou art ris'n— my bands are all un-tied,
And now Thou liv'st in me:
When purified, made white, and tried,
Thy glory then for me!" - Annie Cousins

102. Jehovah bade His sword awake;
O Christ, it woke 'gainst Thee!
Thy blood the flaming blade must slake;
Thine heart its sheath must be;
all for my sake, my peace to make;
now sleeps that sword for me. – Annie Cousins

101. "Many of us are loyal to our notions of Jesus Christ, but how many of us are loyal to Him? Loyalty to Jesus means I have to step out where I do not see anything; loyalty to my notions means that I clear the ground first by my intelligence. Faith is not intelligent understanding, faith is deliberate commitment to a Person where I can see no way." Oswald Chambers

100. "Heavenly Father, we celebrate Your graciousness and faithfulness to our friends and family over the last two years. We join together in Your presence to honor and praise Your majesty. As living sacrifices we surrender ourselves to the indwelling Spirit. In Your grace use us as vessels to the glory of Christ." - A Prayer

99. "We often say, I am looking forward to this, or that or the other. Have we any right to be dissatisfied with our present condition, which God has ordained for us so that we hanker after something in the future?...Why should I look forward to the time when I shall be able to speak Chinese more freely. Didn't God intend me to serve an apprenticeship in learning the language?" -James Fraser

98. "There is NOTHING - no circumstance, no trouble, no testing that can ever touch me until, first of all, it has gone right past Christ, right through to me. If it has come that far, it has come with great purpose, which I may not understand at the moment. But, as I refuse to become panicky, as I lift up my eyes to His and accept it as coming from the throne of God for some great purpose of blessing to my own heart, no sorrow will ever disturb me, no trial will ever disarm me, no circumstance will cause me to fret - for I shall rest in the joy of what my Lord is! That is the rest of victory!" - Alan Redpath

97. "I believe it will only be known on the Last Day how much has been accomplished in missionary work by the prayers of earnest believers at home...I do earnestly covet a volume of prayer for -- but oh! for a volume of faith too. Will you give this? - James Fraser

96. "Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our lives is the perfect preparation for the future that only He can see" – Corrie ten Boom

95. “Loving Lord and Heavenly Father I offer up today all that I am, all that I have, all that I do, and all that I suffer, to be Yours today and Yours forever. Give me grace, Lord, to do all that I know of Your holy will. Purify my heart, sanctify my thinking, correct my desires. Teach me, in all of today’s work and trouble and joy, to respond with honest praise, simple trust, and instant obedience, that my life may be in truth a living sacrifice, by the power of Your Holy Spirit and in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, my Master and my all. Amen” - Elisabeth Elliott

94. If a commission by an earthly king is considered an honor, how can a commission by a Heavenly King be considered a sacrifice?" - David Livingstone

93. "Go, my dear young brother, and if your tongue cleaves to the roof of your mouth, let it be with telling poor sinners the love of Jesus; and if you arms drop off at your shoulders, let it be with knocking at men's hearts, to gain an entrance for Him there." -Dr. Waugh to John Williams at his commissioning service to Polynesia

92. "No reserves. No retreats. No regrets" - William Borden

91. “If there is one thing which should be quite plain to those who accept the revelation of God in nature and the Bible, it is that He was never in a hurry." - J.B Phillips

90. “So hold me Jesus 'cause I'm shaking like a leaf You have been my King of my glory won't You be my Prince of peace." - Rich Mullens

89. “The life-giving preacher is a man of God, whose heart is ever athirst for God, whose soul is ever following hard after God, whose eye is single to God, and in whom by the power of God’s Spirit the flesh and the world have been crucified and his ministry is like the generous flood of a life-giving river.” - John Piper

88. “Oh what I would do to have the kind of faith it takes to climb out of this boat I'm in onto the crashing waves. To step out of my comfort zone into the realm of the unknown where Jesus is and He's holding out His hand." - Mark Hall & Steven Curtis Chapman

87. “ Make time for the quiet moments as God whispers and the world is loud." - Anonymous

86. “ As important and intriguing as divine depths might be, they defy discovery by the natural means of our minds. He reserves these things for those whose hearts are completely His...for those who take the time to wait before Him. Only in that way can there be intimacy with the Almighty." - Chuck Swindoll

85. “ Deep things are intriguing. Deep jungles. Deep water. Deep caves and canyons. Deep thoughts and conversations. There is nothing like depth to make us dissatisfied with superficial, shallow things...This is especially true in the spiritual realm. God invites us to go deeper rather than be content with surface matters...Patiently and graciously He waits to reveal insights and dimensions of truth to those who care enough to probe, to examine, to ponder." - Chuck Swindoll

84. “Make me a captive, Lord,
And then I shall be free;
Force me to render up my sword,'
And I shall conqueror be.
I sink in life's alarms
When by myself I stand;
Imprison me within Thine arms,
And strong shall be my hand." - George Matheson

83. “…in acceptance lieth peace.” - Amy Carmichael

82. “We never know how God will answer our prayers, but we can expect that He will get us involved in His plan for the answer. If we are true intercessors, we must be ready to take part in God's work on behalf of the people for whom we pray." - Corrie Ten Boom

81. “Missionaries are very human folks, just doing what they are asked. Simply a bunch of nobodies trying to exalt somebody. “ – Jim Elliot

80. “God is a personal God and I must allow Him to answer my prayers in the light of His wisdom instead of my limitedness…I would rather trust God’s wisdom than mine.” - Francis Schaeffer

79. “How deaf must be the deafness of the ear which has never heard the story; how blind the eye that has not looked on Christ for light; how pressed the soul that has no hope of glory; how hideous the fate of man who knoweth only night! God arouse us to care, to feel as He Himself does for their welfare.” - Jim Elliot

78. "I have felt the impact of your prayer in these past weeks. I am certain now that nothing has had a more powerful influence on this life of mine than your prayers." - Jim Elliot

77. "The world's salvation was not wrought out by the three years in which He went about doing good, but in the three hours of darkness in which He hung stripped and nailed, in uttermost exhaustion of spirit, soul, and body, till His heart broke. So little wonder if for us the price of power is weakness." - Lilias Trotter

76. "Now most Christians will say, 'Why certainly the Lord is meeting all my needs, but...' - and then follow that 'but' with all the things that are troubling them. 'The Lord is my Shepherd, but my child is sick.' You see? You have the but in the wrong place. And so I would say..., 'I'm all confused, but the Lord is my Shepherd...'." - Robert C. McQuilken

75. "Sometimes, Lord often - I don't know what to say to You. But I still come, in quiet for the comfort of two friends sitting in silence...Then, Lord, without words, in the stillness You are there...and I love You. Lord, teach me to pray.” - Eddie Askew

74. "A life lived listening to the decisive call of God is a life lived before one audience that trumps all others - the Audience of One." - Os Guenness

73. “There's only one who never fails to beckon the morning light. There's only one who sets loose the gales and ties the trees down tight...There's only one, one Holy One." - Randall Goodgame

72. “God never wastes a hurt if we let Him write our story" - Steve Saint

71. “Be much alone with God, and take time to get thoroughly acquainted. Converse over everything with Him. Unburden yourself wholly-every thought, feeling, wish, plan, doubt-to Him...He wants not merely to be on good terms with you, but to be intimate." - Horatius Bonar

70. “There is no need for faith where there is no consciousness of an element of risk.” - Elisabeth Elliot

69. "Worshiping God cannot be borrowed or 'faked'. Singing Christian songs with enthusiasm is not worship, and neither is bowing reverently in a chapel...they are only outward exercices. True worship can never be a rehearsal of someone else's experience or tradition...we must hunger to touch God for ourselves!" - Ben & Robin Pasley

68. "Think through me, Thoughts of God,
My Father, quiet me,
Till in Thy holy presence, hushed,
I think Thy thoughts with Thee." - Amy Carmichael

67. " pray in the Spirit, to speak words that reach and touch God, that affect and influence the powers of the unseen world - such praying, such speaking, depends entirely upon our hearing of God's voice." - Andrew Murrary

66. "Nothing is worth living for but just Himself...I wish every breath I drew, all speech I made could make Him come and seem more real to men." - Oswald Chambers

65. "Prayer is not preparation for work, it is work. Prayer is not a preparation for the battle, it is the battle. Prayer is two two-fold: definite asking and definite waiting to receive." - Oswald Chambers

64. "I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light." - John Keith Falconer

63. "There are triumphant souls that realize experientially the reality of this daily triumph in the power of the indwelling Savior...For them life is a daily adventure with God, a venturing out in faith and obedience to do His will, and all with joyfulness that is exhilarating to others and with courage that is contagious." - V. Raymond Edmans

62. "The question is not, 'How much can I still do in the years that are left to me?' the question is, 'How can I prepare myself for total surrender so my life can be fruitful?'" - Henry Nouwen

61. "There is a great charm not to know, but just watch Him unfold His purposes." - Oswald Chambers

60. Do you have a "blessing box"? Here is Corrie ten Boom's description of her mother's. "The blessing box was a small metal box that sat on the sideboard near the oval table. Here money was collected for the mission that was so close to our hearts. Every time our family was blessed in a particular way, Mother would drop money in the blessing box as a thank offering to God...Whenever visitors came Mother would spread her arms wide and welcome them and then to show how she really appreciated their presence would say, 'A penny in the blessing box for your coming.'" - Corrie ten Boom

59. "The things that make God dear to us are not as much His great big blessings as the tiny things; because they show His amazing intimacy with us; He knows every detail of our individual lives." - Oswald Chambers

58. "There are five stones that will bring down any giant. They are: God is, God has, God can, God will, God does." - Charles Fox

57. "For the details and duties of everyday life, we need the touch of eternity, and it is available to us in answer to believing prayer." - V. Raymond Edman

56. "Guidance is not easy at any time, and it very rarely comes in a hurry, only after a period of waiting on God, and then watching the circumstances." - Arthur Mathews

55. "The Bible is full of unquenchable worshippers - people who refused to be dampened, discouraged or distracted in their quest to glorify God." - Matt Redman

54. Give me the love that leads the way,
The faith that nothing can dismay,
The hope no disappointments tire,
The passion that will burn like fire,
Let me not sink to be a clod:
Make me Thy fuel, Flame of God. - Amy Carmichael

53. "The basis of victorious prayer, as it is equally the ground of triumphant living, is disclosed in the command, 'yield yourselves unto God.' Calvary is meaningless or resultless, unless it creates such a spirit of yieldedness as permits of the Holy Spirit accomplishing the purpose of the sacrifice of the Savior." - Gordon B. Watt

52. "The future is as bright as the promises of God." - Adonirum Judson

51. "The problem with our Christianity is that so much of it can be explained by hard work, honest endeavor and good education." - Stuart Briscoe

50. "Victory over all the circumstances of life comes not by might, nor by power, but by a practical confidence in God and by allowing His Spirit to dwell in our hearts and control our actions and emotions. Learn in the days of ease and comfort so that when the days of hardship come you will be fully prepared and equipped to meet them." - Eric Liddell (Eric Liddell was not only an Olympic gold medalist but also a missionary to China. He died of a brain tumor in a Japanese internment camp.)

49. "There is a great difference between knowing about Jesus and knowing Him...When we know Him everything is different and we are living in a new world -- a new atmosphere. Heaven begins on earth for us. Those who know Him know that Jesus is everything to them. They can bear witness because they have been living with Him..." - Sundar Singh

48. "There is no difficulty without its arbor; no desert without its oasis; no sultry heat without its shadow of a great rock; no weariness without its pillow; no intolerable sorrow without its solace; not weariness without its refreshment; no failure of man without a very present help in God." -F.B. Meyer

47. "Wilt thou throw thyself with an utter abandonment into My will? Wilt thou give up to Me the absolute control of thyself and all that thou art? Wilt thou be content with pleasing Me and Me only?...From the very first your soul has cried out eagerly and gladly to all His offers, ‘Yes, Lord yes!'" - Hannah Whitall Smith

46. "Jesus Christ does not want to be our helper; He wants to be our life. He does not want us to work for Him. He wants us to let Him do His work through us, using us as we use a pencil to write with..." - Charles Trumbell

45. "Pray for great things, expect great things, work for great things, but above all pray." - R.A. Torrey

44. "Why is it that God does not give to us the things that we ask, the first time we ask? The answer is plain: He would do us the far greater good of training us in
persistent faith...Oh, men and women, pray through; pray through; pray through! Do not just begin to pray and pray a little while and throw up your hands and quit; but pray and pray and pray until God bends the heavens and comes down! - R.A. Torrey

43. “Prayer is fellowship with the Unseen and Most Holy One." - Andrew Murray

42. “The motive is this, ‘Oh! that God could be glorified, that Jesus might see the reward of his sufferings! Oh! that sinners might be saved, so that God might have new tongues to praise him, new hearts to love him! Oh! that sin were put an end to, that the holiness, righteousness, mercy, and power of God might be magnified!’ This is the way to pray; when thy prayers seek God's glory, it is God's glory to answer thy prayers.” - C. H. Spurgeon

41. "The will of God will never take you...where the mercies of God cannot sustain you..." - Anonymous

40. No quote

39. " Do not have your concert first, and then tune your instrument afterwards. Begin the day with the Word of God and prayer, and get first of all into harmony with Him.” – James Hudson Taylor

38. "You can trust God too little, but you cannot trust Him too much!" - C.T. Studd

37. "God is still the LIVING GOD and now as well as thousands of years ago, He listens to the prayer of His children and helps those who trust Him" - George Muller

36. "Relying on God must begin every day as if it had never been done before." - C.S. Lewis

35. "If you're not pursuing a dangerous quest with your life, well, then, you don't need a Guide. If you haven't found yourself in the midst of a ferocious war, then you won't need a seasoned Captain. If you've settled in your mind to live as though this is a fairly neutral world and you are simply trying to live this life as best you can, then you can probably get by with the Christianity of tips and techniques. Maybe." - John Eldredge

34. "When God protects His own, many times He majors on unseen circumstances” – Larry Puckett

33."In time of trouble say…I am here-(1) by God’s appointment (2) In His keeping (3) under His training (4) for His time. Psalm 91:15” - Andrew Murray

32. "If God wills to bless, no instrument is too weak, and blessed it is to be the instrument that He condescends to use." - Andrew Murray

30. "...I wonder what would happen to most churches and Christian work if we awakened tomorrow, and everything concerning the reality and work of the Holy Spirit, and everything concerning prayer were removed from the Bible. I don't mean just ignored, but actually cut out - disappeared. I wonder how much difference it would make?" - Francis Schaeffer

29. Bear not a single care thyself;
One is too much for thee:
The work is Mine and Mine alone;
Thy work is rest in Me." - Anonymous

28. "Make me an Intercessor,
Hidden – unknown – set apart
Thought little of by those around,
But satisfying Thine heart." - Anonymous

27. We have given too much attention to methods and to machinery and to resources, and too little to the Source of Power, the filling of the Holy Ghost." - J. Hudson Taylor

26. "The Lord Jesus received is holiness begun; the Lord Jesus cherished is holiness advancing; the Lord Jesus counted upon as never absent would be holiness complete...How then to have our faith increased? Not a striving to have faith...but a looking off to the Faithful One seems all we need; a resting the Loved One entirely, for time and for eternity." - John McCarthy

25. "Every time you are tempted to be fearful or anxious, view it as a prompting of the Lord to pray...What you try to control is up to you to worry about and work out." - Bill Thrasher

24. "...Walk the path one step at a time in the confidence of God's leading and presence. Do not become burdened by the distant future." - Kenneth W. Osbeck

23. "...we all have to wait until the astonishing discoveries will one day be made, and find out whose faithful prayer in hospitals, prisons, jungles, wheelchairs, crowded city apartments, cabins in the woods, farms, factories, or concentration camps has been a part of a specific victory in snatching someone from a circle of death, or in breaking chains so that there seems to be an ease for that one in stepping into new life. I feel sure that we'll be surprised beyond measure to discover who or how many will receive the rewards for their part in taking literally and with simple faith and trust the responsibility to intercede, to pray, to make requests day in and day out." -Edith Schaeffer

22. "Life reduced to fellowship with Christ makes the complicated very simple. We follow and He guides; we follow and He gives; we follow and He acts. In other words, we do not do anything but keep with Him, and then He does all the necessary things. Who would not walk with a Master who works like this?" - Henry W. Frost

21. "Today is mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future, I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me now."
- Elizabeth Elliott

20. "God could have shown up at any time, but over and over in the Bible, He revealed Himself when people began to pray.” - Jim Cymbala

19. "Prayer is primarily a wartime walkie-talkie for the mission of the church as it advances against the powers of darkness and unbelief. It is not surprising that prayer malfunctions when we try to make it a domestic intercom to call upstairs for more comforts in the den...Until you know that life is war, you cannot know what prayer is for: Prayer is for the accomplishment of a wartime mission." - John Piper

18. "My goal is CHRIST HIMSELF, not joy, nor peace, nor even blessings, but HIMSELF, my God. Tis His to lead me there, not mine, but His... at any cost dear LORD, by any road." -Anonymous

17. "I believe the key to revival is given here in Joel, 'Let the priests, the ministers of God, weep between the altar and the door posts'." - Leonard Ravenhill

16. "Revival is a sovereign act of God upon the Church whereby He intervenes to lift the situation completely out of human hands and works in extraordinary power." - Geoffery R. King

15. “Here I sit in my little room, I cannot go hither or thither to arrange and order everything; and if I could who knows if it would be well done? But the Lord is there, who knows and can do everything; and I give it all over to Him , and beg Him to direct it all, and order it after His holy will. And then my heart is light and joyful, and I believe and trust that He will carry it all nobly out." - John Evangelist Gossner

14. “Prayer is not a preparation for the battle; it is the battle!” - Lenord Ravenhill

13. "Faith cannot grow except by exercise. Difficulties are the ground of faith; they give it nourishment and strength." - Andrew Murray

12. "Almost everyone believes that prayer is important. But there is a difference between believing that prayer is important and believing it is essential. 'Essential' means there are things that will not happen without prayer." - Pastor Dee Duke

11. Away in foreign fields, they wondered how
Their simple word had power -
At home, some Christians, two or three, had met
To pray an hour.
We are always wondering- wondering how,
Because we do not see
Someone - perhaps unknown and far away -
On bended knee. - Unknown

10. "What if everyone who prayed for the conversion of souls, prayed like you pray for the conversion of souls?" - Dr. R.A. Torrey

7. "Missions is not the ultimate goal of the church. Worship is. Missions exists because worship doesn't. Worship is ultimate, not missions, because God is ultimate, not man." - John Piper

6. "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." - Jim Elliot

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