Prayer & Bible Center

Truths about Jesus that get my attention and may help my self centerness

Does anyone beside me suffer from being stuck on himself; that is think more of himself than he should. I often think that if people just do it my way….Think my way…Just be like ME.

Jesus is the cure for this thinking. Think about these truths about Him.

Another name for Jesus is "Immanuel" or "God with Us." He was call this long before he arrived physically on earth. This means that no matter what happens in this life to me, He is right there with me. He not only made me, He shared my lot. He knows what I am trying to tell Him before I try to explain to Him.

The center of spiritual life is to- Love God and to love others as we love ourselves. - This forces me to root any spiritual life in the realm of the here and now and not just in the coming heavenly existence. Simple!

Jesus enjoyed life.  Period. He had good times, laughed, took advantage of every minute. He was not a stick-in-the-mud.  He was the Author of life. My life. He spent His time  doing a "book review" of what He authored  for my benefit He loved  people. Proof? Look at the extravagance of the wedding at Cana. Jesus sometimes referred to the Kingdom of God as a party.

Jesus spoke the "Hoi Poi"; language of the common man. Stuff I can understand. I need no interpreter when it comes to listening or understanding Him. He was authentic, something I can strive for.

He died, but is not dead. The difference between the faith in Jesus and faith in other world "religious" leaders is this: The empty grave. Jesus is not dead, rising from the grave to bring me new life!