The Appearance of the Holy Spirit as reported in the Gospels
Jesus Himself saw the working and leading of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament (1) The Holy Spirit inspired the Old Testament writers (2) Jesus saw the Holy Spirit as God's gift because of His love for us. (3) The Holy Spirit was a conduit of guidance, help and grace between God and those who had/have trust in Him, the same as today. (4)
The Holy Spirit in times of trouble
The Holy Spirit was given as an aid and help in ministry of the first Christians, no matter the situation they found themselves in they recieved answers. (5) The Holy Spirit is there to aid, help and to anoint them in the time of coming trouble. (6) The troubles they would be facing could not be overcome with their own effort. (7) The followers of Jesus were told to expect much trouble because of their decision to establish a true relationship with God. (8)
Spreading the Gospel
The Disciples were to perform baptism in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (9) The disciples were told to wait for the power from the Father, that is the Holy Spirit. (10)
THe power of the Holy Spirit from above
This power, not their own effort, would enable them to go and witness. (11) God will reward them in seeking to serve Him. (12) God,s nature is revelaed in His response to our needs. (13) God will always supply the things that are needed by those who depend on Him.. (14) All the needs inothe Christians life will be met(15) Our relationship with Him depends on our trust in Him
Praying , faith, kove
(16) We must pray for others. (17) Faith is the key. (18) (19) We are to love without reservation (20)(21)
Not by our own effort
The Holy Spirit will do our speaking. It will not be our own effort. (22)(23) Again Jesus tells us that we must let the Holy Spirit from the faith do our speaking for us. The things we say are not by our own effort. (24)(25) The Holy Spirit is not concerned as much about your safety as much as for the spreading of the Gospel. Because you are in danger or placed in danger does not mean that you are out of the will of God. (26)(27)
Mighty Power
We are promised mighty power. But this power is not to make us comfortable or rich, but rather to spread the word. (28) We have a command from Jesus that can not be over emphasized. We are to love. Not just to those who deserve to be loved. But we are to love those who hate us. (29) We are to go and tell everyone we can. (29)
The Holy Spirit takes part in our salvation, the Spirit in bringing new life to the believer. (30)(32) The Holy Spirit will be given to us without measure. (33)(34) How can you realize when you slip away (backslide) from the real truth? (35)(36) The real, true life comes because of the Holy Spirit. (37)
A problem comes with some with the concept of believing. Many see Jesus and His miracles and still do not “believe”. (38) Belief is more than just acceptance. Believing is more than just facts. (39) We are guided by the Holy Spirit when we let Him take control of our wills. (40) Jesus asked that the Holy Spirit be with us forever. (41) The Holy Spirit as a teacher , teaches like no human can teach. (42) When you or your organization is lead and submitted to the Holy Spirit, much progress is made. (43)
The relationship to the world
The relationship of God to the non Christian, to mankind in general is one of disappointed love. (44) The message of God reveal what every man should expect. (45) Mankind is warned. (46)(47) It is not “if”, but when we sin. (48)
Jesus makes a promise
Jesus Himself promised us the Holy Spirit 49).
Have you received the Holy Spirit in your life?
Next time:
The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts
1. Mark 12:34-36
2 Timothy 3:16–17
3. Matthew 7:7-11
4. Mark 13:9-11
5. Luke 11:9-1
6. Matthew 10:16-20
7. Mark 13:9-11
8. Luke 12:11,12; 21:12-15
9. Matthew 28:19
10. Luke 24:49
11. Acts 1:8
12. Luke 11:13
13. James 1:17
14. Matthew 6:25-33
15. Romans 8:32
16. Mark 11:24
17. Acts 8:15
18. Galatians 3:13,14
19. Acts 5:32
20. Matthew 5:45
21. 1 Corinthians 12:31; 14: 1
22. Matthew 10:19-20
23. Luke 12:11,12
24. Matthew 10:17-20
25. Luke 12:12
26. Acts 7:54,55,57
27. 2 Timothy 4:6
28. Acts 1:7-9
29. John 15:12,17
30. Mark 16:15
31. John 3:3-8
32. John 7:37-39
33. John 3:34
34. Joel 2:28
35. Romans 1:21
36. John 4:23,24
37. John 6:63, 64
38. John 6:29,30,36
39. John 6:54,56
40. John 16:13
41. John 14:16
42. 1 John 2:20,27
43. Acts 9:31
44. John 16:8-11
45. Romans 2:5-12,16
46. John 8:24
47. 2 Corinthians 5:21
48. 1 John 2:1,2
49. John 16:7,8