Prayer & Bible Center

God created the first man and called him Adam. After this He made the woman called Eve. But Adam and Eve broke the only commandment God gave them. They disobeyed God, and the relationship and contact between man and God were broken. They became spiritually dead for God.

This is why it is so difficult, yes actualy imposible to get in contact with God. But God made a way for us to come back to Him, to have regulary fellowship with Him. That way is called Jesus Christ.

Adam disobeyed God and caused many others to be sinners. But Jesus obeyed him and will make many people acceptable to God. (Rom 5:19)

Why didn't God just leave man in the darkness of sin?

So why didn't God just leave man in the darkness of sin. Why make all this effort to get back the humans to His house/ kingdom?

The Bible explains this because “God IS LOVE”. (1 John 4:8)

He could not look at man and just leave them in sin and darkness. HE LOVED HIS CREATION called man. He needed them to come back to Him.

How can I experience this love from God?

Will God approve of me as His child if I stop doing the wrong things? (also called repenting of my sins)

That is not what the Bible shows us we need to do to come into His LOVE. Instead it might lead you into a life struggling to keep a law where you are the centrum for your decisions with all you can and must do. The creator is a loving and merciful God.

"Or do you disregard the riches of His kindness, tolerance, and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you to repentance?" (Rom 2:4)

Paul also says: But Isaiah is very bold and says: “I was found by those who did not seek Me; I was made manifest to those who did not ask for Me.” (Romans 10:20)

Even if I want to become a child of God I can not, except I first receive God's love for me.

(Rom. 7:18 - but this I cannot carry out by myself)

The only way to God

So, to get into the right relationship with God (to be righteous) , the only thing I can do is believe Him and receive God's love for me and be filled with Him (The Holy Spirit), because without it I am not able to do anything that is good or Godly.

This is what the Bible describes as God's love and grace to me.

So you need to focus to God's love and grace in all matters of your life and not your own ability that only leads your fallen nature away from God. Because by yourself you are not able to do anything good (v. 20)

Where does this leave me?

So where does this leave me? Is there nothing I can do myself to know God? There is only one thing you can do. When God's love is calling on me to come to God, I just need to follow that loving voice and ask Him to do the salvation work, change my heart and fill me with His Spirit.

This is the Good News that Jesus came with.

God has done everything ready for me to become His child.

Will you receive His invitation to believe and receive Jesus?

But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.. (John. 1:12)

You could say this prayer (example):

The prayer of a sinner

Dear Father God, I know that I am a sinner and can not have contact with you of myself. I ask you to come into my life and fill me with your spirit, change my heart so I can be your child. Thank you for sending Your son Jesus who died for my sins, took the punishment for my sins and did a complete cleansing of my heart and mind. I believe he died and rose from the dead for me so I could be able to receive your spirit and get your new life.

If you prayed this simple prayer from your heart, the Bible says you are now a child of God.

We want to know what is happening with you. Contact us and tell us about your decision.